As part of our comprehensive ADHD evaluation, BrainWell brings you the latest in ADHD testing from the experts at Qbtech

What Is ADHD?


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a chronic disorder, often involving persistent problems, like difficulty in paying attention to things for a period of time, being hyperactive, or problems controlling impulsive behaviors.


What Are The Symptoms Of ADHD?

The main symptoms of ADHD include being inattentive to things and displaying hyperactive-impulsive behavior.

ADHD symptoms generally start before the age of 12, however may go unrecognized until later on in life.

ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue into adulthood.

ADHD occurs more often in males than in females, and the types of behaviors can be quite different. Boys, for example often show signs of hyperactivity, while girls may be more inattentive.

Symptoms of ADHD can include things like impulsivity and restlessness.

BrainWell Psychiatry Offers ADHD Testing For Adolescents And Adults

Do I have ADHD?

If you (or your child) has any of the following behaviors you might want to consider getting formally tested for ADHD:

Inattention is a common symptom of ADHD in adults.


5 or more symptoms for 6 months (or more) in adults:

- Lack of attention to details leading to mistakes at school/work.

- Lacks ability to listen/focus to people.

- Easily distracted.

- Lack of follow through on instructions. Can’t complete tasks - get side tracked.

- Trouble holding attention on tasks or recreational activities.

- Trouble organizing tasks and activities.

- Reluctant to do tasks that require mental effort over a long period of time (e.g. schoolwork or paying bills).

- Often loses things like school books, pens, wallets, keys, phone, glasses.

- Forgetful.

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

5 or more symptoms for 6 months (or more) in adults:

- Fidgeting, tapping of hands or feet, or squirms in seat.

- Difficulty staying seated/ sitting still.

- Excessive talking.

- Running when it isn’t appropriate/ restlessness.

- Trouble waiting your turn.

- Often interrupts others.

- Always “on the go”.

- Impulsive spending.

- Noisy.

- Feeling “driven by a motor”.

How To Get Diagnosed:

BrainWell Psychiatry Offering ADHD Testing Near You


Why Get ADHD Testing?

Many of us experience some of these symptoms on a daily basis, but it isn’t likely to be ADHD. For those who truly struggle with these symptoms and simply can’t seem to “get with it” and stop forgetting things, finding out they have ADHD can be a “lightbulb” moment.

A diagnosis is a chance for treatment and a chance for treatment is a chance for change.

Left undiagnosed, ADHD can have serious impacts on relationships, work, finances, self esteem, and your overall health. With the right treatment, those with ADHD can live a “normal” and healthy life.

BrainWell Psychiatry uses QbTest from Qbtech for ADHD testing and diagnosis.

QbTest powered by Qbtech

Along with a thorough psychiatric assessment, BrainWell uses QbTest, one of the widest FDA cleared medical devices that provides objective data for diagnosing and treating ADHD for patients ages 12-60.

ADHD can be difficult to diagnose with most people getting psychological testing, information gathering, and a physical exam. QbTest offers a more objective way to test for ADHD.

QbTest isn’t your average ADHD testing. It takes just 15 to 20 minutes on a computer and it can accurately measure hyperactivity alongside the your ability to sustain attention and control impulses.